Learning Industries Limited

e-Learning Courses

Welsh Language e-Learning

The Welsh language has equal legal status with the English language within public life in Wales and public bodies have an obligation to deliver services bilingually.

This e-learning module promotes the importance of the Welsh language in the delivery of high quality public services in Wales; enabling staff to assess how they currently deliver bilingual services and providing a basic introduction to the use of simple Welsh words and phrases that can be used to open conversations with Welsh speaking service users and colleagues.

Enabling people to use their preferred language helps them to communicate more effectively and confidently, improving both the service user experience and outcomes.

This e-learning package illustrates how all members of staff. whether they be Welsh speakers, Welsh learners or non Welsh speakers, can all facilitate the delivery of bilingual care services.

There are a number of versions of this module available including a version for Healthcare and Councils, which include relevant examples and phrases. There is also a generic version suitable for all audiences.